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My Questions and Learnings from Exploring Process Management

1. Analyzing Process States

Early on, I collected some process status information containing process state abbreviations like S, D, etc. By researching their meanings, I summarized that S represents a running process and D means blocked waiting for I/O. Comparing the process info, I analyzed what tasks each process was performing, such as file copying or VSCode monitoring.

2. Inspecting Detailed Process Resource Usage

To deeply understand a copying process, I further parsed its username, PID, run time, memory usage, executing command and parameter meanings to gain a comprehensive view.

3. Using Process Monitoring Commands

I learned commands like ps, pstree, top, and lsof that provide process resource usage, memory mappings, open file descriptors and more. For example, lsof shows which files a process has open.

4. Understanding the SSH Connection Process Model

Research showed that each SSH connection spawns three processes - a primary sshd receives connections, a child handles sessions, and ssh allocates the Shell environment. This helped me grasp SSH connection workflow.

5. Checking Concurrent Logins

Lastly, using w, who, last with a username checks the number of concurrent login sessions for that account, useful for access management.

Through exploring process management concepts in Linux, I aimed to address questions and summarize findings on analyzing processes and monitoring resources in practice. Ongoing learning will strengthen my skills.

Author: Shiym
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My Questions and Learnings from Exploring  Process Management My Questions and Learnings from Exploring Process Management
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