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Search Engine Tricks and Tips

Tricks for Search Engines

  1. Quotation marks: For example, “work from home”. This function is used to keep the words together. If you want to search for a complete word, you can put it in quotation marks, and the search engine will not separate it into several words.

  2. Colon: For example, Visa form: doc, specifies the document type. If you want to search for a specific type of document, you can add a colon and the document type after the keyword, and the search engine will only return documents that meet the criteria.

  3. Site: Keyword site: URL address. If you want to search within a specific website, you can add site: and the website’s URL address before the keyword, and the search engine will only search within that website.

  4. +/- sign. If you want to search for a word but don’t want to see certain related content, you can add a “+” before the word. If you want to block certain content, you can add a “-“ before the word.

  5. /: Directly return to the search bar. If you want to start a new search, you can directly input “/“ in the search bar, and the search engine will clear the previous search content.

  6. ..: Quickly narrow down the search scope. If you want to search for content within a certain time period, you can add “..” before and after the time period, and the search engine will only search for content within that time period.

  7. Intitle: Keyword. If you want to search for content that includes a certain keyword in the title, you can add intitle: before the keyword, and the search engine will only search for content that includes that keyword in the title.

Author: Shiym
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