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Vision Transformer (ViT) -> Towards a Modality-Agnostic Transformer?

Forward Process of Vision Transformer (ViT)

Input Image: $X \in \mathbf{R}^{H \times W \times C}$


Patch Embedding: $X_{patches} \in \mathbf{R}^{N \times (P^2 \times C)}$, where $N=\frac{H \times W}{P^2}$

Transform the input image (2D) into a sequence of flattened tokens.

Transformation Matrix: $W \in \mathbf{R}^{(P^2 \times C) \times D}$

Resulting Tensor: $Y \in \mathbf{R}^{N \times D}$

Concatenation of a learnable class token: $\vec{x_{cls}} \in \mathbf{R}^{D \times 1}$

Addition of positional embeddings: $x_{pos} \in \mathbf{R}^{(N+1) \times D}$

Final Embedding:
$x_{emb} = [\vec{x_{cls}}^T; X \cdot W] + x_{pos}$


Encoder Layer with Residual Skip Connections

For each layer $l$, the encoding process follows a sequence of residual operations:

  1. Multi-Head Attention (MHA):
    $$x^{(l)’} = MHA(\text{LN}(x^{(l-1)})) + x^{(l-1)}$$

  2. Feed-Forward Network (FFN):
    $$x^{(l)} = FFN(\text{LN}(x^{(l)’}) + x^{(l)’})$$

In the MHA block, the query, key, and value matrices are defined as:

$$W_q^{(l)}, W_k^{(l)}, W_v^{(l)} \in \mathbf{R}^{D^{(l-1)} \times D_h^{(l)}}$$

The attention head computations are given by:
$$x_h^{(l)’} = AH_h(x_{norm}^{(l-1)}) = \mathrm{softmax}\left(\frac{x_{norm}^{(l-1)}W_q^{(l)} \cdot (x_{norm}^{(l-1)}W_k^{(l)})^T}{\sqrt{D_h^{(l)}}}\right)x_{norm}^{(l-1)}W_v^{(l)}$$


Output Layer

The output of the multi-head attention is computed as:

$$x^{(l)’} = MHA(x_{norm}^{(l-1)}) = [AH_1(x_{norm}^{(l-1)}), …, AH_m(x_{norm}^{(l-1)})]W_o^{(l)}$$


Feed-Forward Network Layer

Finally, the FFN is applied:

$$x^{(l)} = FFN(x_{norm}^{(l)’}) = \mathrm{GELU}(x_{norm}^{(l)’} W_1^{(l)}) W_2^{(l)}$$
where $W_1, W_2 \in \mathbf{R}^{D^{(l)} \times 4D^{(l)}}$, and $x_{norm}^{(l)} = \mathrm{LN}(x^{(l)’})$.

In conclusion, while ViT has shown remarkable results in visual tasks by transforming input images into sequences of tokens, extending the Transformer’s architecture to other modalities remains an open area for exploration. For example, tasks such as “Weight2Weight” may benefit from modality-specific adaptations, especially in the representation of flattened high-dimensional data, where embedding strategies like positional encodings can be integrated in a more structured manner.

Author: Yiming Shi
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