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Macro Economic

1.1. Chapter1 宏观经济学概述

1.1.1. 宏观经济学的产生与发展概述

1.1.2. 宏观经济学的基本概念

1.1.3. 国内生产总值及其核算方法

GDP(Gross Demostic Production)
$Y = C + I + NX + G$
GDP = private consumption + gross private investment + government investment + government spending + (exports – imports).

1.1.4. 其他宏观经济指标

Consumer Price Index

This index can also be used to calculate the $inflation$:

$$inflation\ rate\ in\ year2 = \frac{CPI year2 - CPI year1}{CPI year1}\times 100$$

which is constucted of a basket of goods and services. problems:

  • substitution bias
  • introduction of new goods
  • unmeasured quanlity change

K:capital L:labor

The production function

$Y = F(K,L)$


Solow模型: $Y = Af(\frac{K}{L})$ or $Y=Af(k)$ :where k is tech fixed factor supplies and fixed tech.

Determing GDP:$Y=F(\hat{K},\hat{L})$

Constant returns to scale

  • decreasing returns to scale
  • increasing returns to scale
    • if technology is fixed, then $K = \hat{K},L = \hat{L}$


W: nominal wage R: nominal rental rete P: price of output W/P: real wage R/P: real rental rate

Marginal product of labor

$MPL = F(K,L+1)-F(K,L)$

Diminishing marginal returns

while K is fixed and L is increasing

  • fewer machines per worker
  • lower worker producting cause marginal product decreasing

the firms should hire worker s.t. $MPL = \frac{W}{P}$

diminishing the rental rate

Same logic: $MPK = \frac{R}{P}$

The neoclassical theory of distribution

1.2. Chapter2 商品市场

Types of Financial institution and their function

Financial Institution

  • the Bond Market
    • Term
    • Credit Risk:Probability of default
  • the Stock Market
  • Financial immediaries
    • bank
    • mutual funds

1.2.1. 消费

1.2.2. 储蓄与投资

Saving V.S. Investment Saving:

  • buy stocks


  • buying a house


As is known:

$$Y = C + I + G + NX $$

Assumpting NX = 0 then:

$$Y-C-G = I$$

$$(Y-T-C)+(T-G) = I$$

where T is Taxes and $(Y-T-C)$ is private saving $(T-G)$ is public saving when $T-G <0$ $\to$ Budget Deficit when $T-G > 0$ $\to$ Budget Supplies

1.2.3. 商品市场均衡

How the financial system candinate saving & investment?

The Market for Loanable Funds

which y-axis is Interest rate and x-axis is Loanable Funds Supply = Saving Demand = Investment

How government policies affect saving, investment and the interest rate?

by using Taxes

  • Saving incentive (S moves to right)
  • Investment incentive (D moves to right)
  • Government budget deficits or surpluses (S moves to left or right)

1.3. Chapter3 货币市场

1.3.1. 货币简介

What is money?

123 points

Money Functions?Types of money
  • medium of exchange

  • unit of account

  • store of value

  • liquidity

  • Commodity money

    • with instrinct money
  • fiat money

    • with govn power
Money Stock
  • currency
  • demand deposit

$M_1 : currency + Demand$ $M_2: M_1 + savings + mutual funds$

For China

There exists $M_0,M_1,M_2$

1.3.2. 现代金融系统和货币政策

1.3.3. 中央银行与货币政策

Banlc and money supply. How banks create money?

  • Fractional reserve Banking
    • reserve ratio
    • reserve requirement
    • excess reserve

How does the central bank control the money supply

$$Money supply = (Initial Doposit\times \frac{1}{1-R})$$

Money Multiplier

$$= \frac{Money Supply}{Initial Doposit} = \frac{1}{R}$$

Reserve Rate

  • Reserve Rate
    • paying interest on reserves
      • high -> less money supply
      • low -> more money supply
  • Discount Rate
    • high -> less money supply
    • low -> more money supply

1.3.4. 货币数量论

How close the MS affect infiation and nominal interest rate?

The classic theory of infiation

  • Money supply:vertical
  • Money demand:downward sloping
    • interest rate
    • the average level of price
Two conclusion:
  • The quantity of money determines the price level

$$Price Level = Nominal GDP / Real GDP$$

  • The growth of money avaiable determines inflation rate
The Velocity and quantity equation
Velocity of money(V)
  • Rate at which money changes hands

$$V = (P\times Y)/M$$

where P = Price level (GDP deflator) Y = nominal GDP M = money supply

Quantity equation

$$M\times V = P\times Y$$

The infiation Tax
The fisher effect

$$\frac{1+i}{1+\pi} = 1+r$$

$$\to i = r+\pi$$

where $i = nominal rate$ $r = real rate$ $\pi = inflation rate$

1.4. Chapter4 总需求与总供给

1.4.1. IS-LM模型

1.4.2. AD-AS模型

  • aggregate-demand curve

$$Y = C + I + G + NX$$

for long run where: $C : wealth$ $I:interest rate$ $NX:exchange rate$ $G: assumpted policy fixed$ downward slope

  • aggregate-supply curve
  • Services&products upward slope

Natural level of output(might shift right)

in short run:

  • labor
  • capital
  • natural resource
  • technological knowledge

Short run about AS curve

shifts depends on:

Sticky wage theory
  • expected theory
Sticky-price theory
  • expected price(about goods&services)
    • adjusted to macro economics condition(unexpected)
Misperceptions theory
  • unexpeted price of overall level might mislead supplies

$$Quantity\ of\ output\ supplied = Natural\ level\ of\ output + a(real\ price-expected\ price)$$

1.4.3. 财政政策和货币政策的影响

Economics Fluctuations

  • Three fluctuations
    • short run
    • medium run
    • long run
  • Three variables
    • real GDP
    • Invest Spending
    • Unemployment rate

For short/long run

Economics fluctuations in long run
  • classic dichotomy & monetary neotrality
    • affect price & other nominal variables
    • not affect real GDP
  • in short run
    • push the real GDP away

1.5. Chapter5 失业与通货膨胀

1.5.1. 失业

How is unemployment measured

Labor Force Statistics
  • unemployment rate(u-rate)
    • = $100\times \frac{unemployment}{labor force}$
  • Labor-Paticipation Rate(LFP-rate)
    • = $100\times \frac{labor force}{population}$

$$Labor Force = Employed + Unemployed$$

  • lost job then finding news U-rate$\uparrow$
  • lost job for 1 year then exit U-rate$\downarrow$
  • lost job then do part-time U-rate -

What is the natural rate of unemployment

  • natural rate of unemployment
  • cyclical unemployment

Why are there always some people unemployed

  • frictional unemployment
  • structural unemployment
  • job search
  • sectoral shifts
Unemployment Insurance

Minimum Wage & Union

Efficiency Wage

  • worker health
  • hiring & traininig costing
  • worker quanlity
  • worker effort

1.5.2. 通货膨胀

1.5.3. 失业与通货膨胀的关系

1.6. Chapter6 经济增长

1.6.1. 经济增长概述

1.6.2. 影响经济增长的公共政策

1.6.3. 中国的经济增长

1.7. Chapter7 开放经济

1.7.1. 开放经济的基本概念

1.7.2. 开放经济的基本理论及应用

Author: Shiym
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